Design Title: The National Kissing Bug Alliance
The National Kissing Bug Alliance is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in Newberry FL. This nonprofit contacted me to build them their very first website, create custom graphics, allow others to donate to their organization, and monitor the website monthly with any changes that need to be made. To create their website, I used the WordPress content management system to give them a new look based on what their stakeholders were looking for. While building the site, I integrated all of the necessary tools to make the site ADA-compliant and set up search engine optimization. After the website was complete, I helped make changes to their website as needed and monitored their website monthly using Google Analytics and Google Business.
Created by: Jeremy Lee
Programs used: WordPress

Custom Graphics: Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop
Video Editing: Premier Pro
SEO Monitoring: Google Analytics and Google Business
Year Created: 2023

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