Design Title: Steam Master Carpet Cleaning
Steam master carpet cleaning is based in Tallahassee FL. The business owners contacted me to build their first-ever website. They had a logo that was created for them a few years prior to hiring me and they wanted to take their business to the next level by having a website to advertise their business to new potential customers. After learning about their business and understanding what they do, what areas they service, and nailing down price points for them I not only created the website for them but also performed content creation with all verbiage that was used on the website. I instructed them to take pictures of some of their jobs before they started and after they finished to show their potential customers before and after shots. I also built a form to allow customers to get a free quote on their website which ultimately allowed them to gain more clients. Some of the custom graphics that were used were coupons that were updated monthly based on the seasons in Tallahassee to help build the business and other areas that were slow.
Created by: Jeremy Lee
Programs used: Joomla
Custom Graphics: Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop
Custom Graphics: Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop
Year Created: 2011