Design Title: Robin's K9 Lifestyle
Robin owns a K9 training facility in the Gainesville area. She has been a dog handler and trainer since she specialized in this field when going into the military. She had built a website herself using and was running into issues trying to get all the information on the website as needed. Robin contacted me 2 get some advice on what she should do for her business regarding web design. After getting to know her business and understanding her needs along with her client’s needs I was able to build a website that not only is she proud of but is instrumental in helping her run the business. All images used in this design were taken at her place of business. This website was built using WordPress so she could easily make changes to the site without having to hire a designer to make simple changes.
Created by: Jeremy Lee
Programs used: WordPress

Custom Graphics: Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop
SEO Monitoring: Google Analytics and Google Business
Year Created: 2019

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